

Make as many words as you can from the letters of a nine-letter word, making sure you use the highlighted letter. Can you beat our score?
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About this picture …

The bridge over the river Dart at Newbridge near Spitchwick in Devon. The road crosses the Dartmoor National Park on its way south east from Tavistock to the A38 at Ashburton.


Make words using the letters shown in the grid. Your words should be four or more letters in length. All your words must include the highlighted letter in the centre. Tap on any letter to use it for your word.

admiral admit adroit alarm alit altar alto amid amoral aorta aria arid armload aroma atom dart data dial diorama dirt dolt dorm dram drama drat idol iota laid lair laird lama lard lariat liar lido lima limo lira load loam lord maid mail maladroit malt marital marl mart martial matador mild moat modal molar moral mort mortal omit oral radial radio raid rail ratio riot road roam roil rota tail tailor taro tiara tidal toad toil told trad trail tram triad trial trim trio trod
admiral matador tailor adroit mortal drama alarm moral admit radio ratio trial aroma altar trail oral tram trim omit raid told rail toil riot road toad roam rota tail mail moat idol amid atom dart data dial dirt mild laid lair lard liar load lord maid malt trod
admiral admit adroit alarm alit altar alto amid amoral aorta aria arid armload aroma atom dart data dial diorama dirt dolt dorm dram drama drat idol iota laid lair laird lama lard lariat liar lido lima limo lira load loam lord maid mail maladroit malt marital marl mart martial matador mild moat modal molar moral mort mortal omit oral radial radio raid rail ratio riot road roam roil rota tail tailor taro tiara tidal toad toil told trad trail tram triad trial trim trio trod


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